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Não toleramos a manipulação nos media, os "fake news", os "factos alternativos"

2023-02-04 Negociação de Paz Ucrania-Russia 2022/03 foi mesmo sabotada pelos USA e UK

Naftali Bennett traveled to Moscow as Israeli prime minister last March (2022), He contacted Zelensky, Biden, Boris J., Macron, and Scholz

Bennett said that during his mediation, Zelenskyy promised not to join NATO and Putin dropped his main goals "disarmament" and "denazification" of Ukraine. Both Russia and Ukraine wanted a ceasefire and drawn about 17 drafts, but at some point, the West decided "to crush (Russian President) Putin rather than to negotiate." "They interrupted the talks," he said.

O Governo Zelensky, UK e USA agora (des)mentem, mas factos .são indesmentiveis.

2023-05-01 O Secretario Geral da NATO, Stoltenberg, faz na TV Polaca, uma reviravolta estonteante: afinal, a Guerra na Ucrania "começou em 2014".

Depois de um ano a procurarem convencer-nos que a Guerra apenas existe porque a Russia invadiu em Fevereiro 2022 a Ucrania, sem nenhuma provocação anterior

A razao e' simples: agora, precisam de dar uma cambalhota para justificar a escalada da Guerra ate' a' Crimeia. Declarações anteriores que tal aumentaria radicalmente o risco de Guerra Mundial - estao a ser re-escritas, no melhor estilo Orweliano.

Quanto a Guerra em 2014, ver auto-confissao arrogante da Nuland, junto com a prova, da manipulação USA:

2022-04-27 New York Times anuncia: The Ukrainians flooded the village intentionally, along with a vast expanse of fields and bogs around it

Eis a hipocrisia dos lideres "ocidentais" acusando, sem provas, a Russia de ter destruido a barragem de Kakhovka, gritando contra o "crime ecológico", a desumanidade de destruir barragens. Ora meses antes eles próprios elogiavam os Ucranianos de ter afogado a tropa russa destruindo uma barragem, apesar de assim inundarem uma area enorme, com grande impacto ecológico e humano.

March 2022, as Russian troops approached Kyiv... Ukrainian forces ... asked their high command to retreat due to heavy losses. They were denied. Instead, by blowing up a dam of the Kyiv Reservoir, Ukrainian forces flooded Irpin ... and push back Russian troops.

2023-02-21 Discurso de Putin na Federal-Assembly-of-Russia (full speech, english subtitles)

Tivemos de gastar horas, ate' conseguir este video, pois as TV "ocidentais" bloqueiam legendas em ingles (!) e fazem "seleções" (censura) e enchem de publicidade de 3 em 3 minutos !.

Contra a vergonha dos nossos media, que mostram apenas curtos extractos do que lhes convem, com medo de nos deixar ver e ouvir o que dizem os lideres com quem entraram em guerra, exigimos conhecer a verdade, não a narrativa fabricada e mutilada, do que dizem esses lideres, e assim formar a nossa propria opiniao.

2022-09-01 Missão UN na Central Nuclear Zaporizhzhya reconhece aqui que foi atacada por tropa da Ucrania e defendida pelas tropas Russas. Mas depois, em vez de dizerem a verdade, escrevem:

"Upon arrival, the inspectors' [International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)] mission encountered (...) the area around the power plant has seen a revival of warfare offensives, with both Russia and Ukraine accusing each other of being responsible for causing the delay in the arrival of the UN team."

Veja aqui o que foi censurado nos nossos "democraticos" media , por desmentir a sua "narrativa".

2013-12-13 Ucrania, Golpe de Estado 2014 - USA invested 5 billion $ in Ukraine, leading to 2014 Maiden "Revolution"

Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland at the end of 2013, in the midst of the Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine. She said that the United States has invested $5 billion over 20 years to develop democratic processes and reforms in Ukraine... This was the total amount of assistance that Washington has allocated to Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991"... "Money was allocated for fair elections, to fight corruption" ...

Pois. Viu-se. E veja-se uma prova aqui mesmo.

2014-02-06 Victoria Nuland: "fuck the E.U." - veja-se a ingerência na na Ucrania e como os USA olham de facto para a União Europeia

An embarassing phone conversation about Ukraine politics between US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt, January 2014

The two are heard discussing strategies to work with the three main opposition figures. She is heard telling him that she doesn't think boxer-turned-politician Vitaly Klitschko should be in a new government and also saying "f**k the E.U.." This episode will be embarassing for the US as President Barack Obama has denied the administration is manipulating the Ukrainian opposition.

2004-03-25 After near a million iraquis and hundreds of US soldiers killed in Iraq, under a false pretext - a lfabricated ie - that there were "Weapons of Mass Destruction" in Iraq, Bush makes fun of not finding any, and the US social elite, including media professionals, laugh at this sick "joke".

Does USA now care about the lives of Ucranians? No, according to the evidence supplied by Benett, besides all other ingerence in Ucrania, in particular by Biden.

We will agree to subject Putin to trial for war crimes, the day that also Bush, Blair, Aznar and Barroso sit in the same court - together with Biden, Boris Jonhson, Stoltenberg and the Azov nazis. Otherwise, it will be a "kangaroo court".


Cidadãos que lutaram e lutam pela liberdade e democracia, antes e depois do 25 de Abril, indignados com a destruição em curso do estado social e das conquistas de Abril, que defendem o diálogo e colaboração na comunidade da esquerda.